Grants to companies Guadeloupe – Advantagess of the ICT cheque
Why is it absolutely necessary to bet on the ICT voucher to digitalize your company in Guadeloupe?
For a few years now, the Guadeloupe region has been providing assistance to all companies in the archipelago. Called ICT check, this regional aid aims to support the digitalization of SMEs (Very Small and Medium Enterprises) in creation or development on the islands of Guadeloupe. But what is it exactly? Are you eligible? And what is the practical benefit of this assistance for your company? We conducted the survey for you.

What is the ICT voucher instituted by the Guadeloupe Region and what are the criteria to benefit from it?
Support for the digital competitiveness of Guadeloupean Guadeloupes
The main objective of this aid is to create a device to boost the digital competitiveness of each company in the Guadeloupe region. The project is mainly aimed at SMEs operating in the region.
In fact, this aid is the result of cooperation between the Guadeloupe region and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It provides for regional aid with a ceiling of €10,000 per company. Your project as a company can benefit from financing of up to 80% of your budget.
What are the criteria to be a beneficiary of of the ICT cheque ?
On the regional level, the objective of this aid is to allow each young company, in creation or in development, tooptimize its digital device. This grant scheme mentions three eligibility criteria:
- To have its head office in Guadeloupe ;
- Have a regular economic activity in Guadeloupe;
- Receive recognition from your parent organization on the basis of your registration.
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Who can be a beneficiary of the aid offered to companies located in the Guadeloupe region?
What investment projectinvestment project or operation is eligible for this grant?
The digitalization of companies in the Guadeloupe region and the management of the new type of employment that it causes are the objectives of this assistance. It supports the creation or development of the digital sector in companies.
Therefore, your company can benefit from the TIC cheque if its objective is to :
- Improving the competitiveness of your company on a regional level: for example, requesting an investment to acquire new markets in the region or providing more visibility to the company in the Guadeloupe region;
- Customer Relationship Optimization: Your company can use these funds to fine-tune its brand image or to campaign for new customers within the region and beyond;
- Securing the company: you can request the resource of this help to initiate any procedure or to protect your computer system against cybercrime;
- The development of your activity in Guadeloupe and elsewhere: you can apply for this assistance to increase the turnover of your structure.
Your company could apply for this assistance if said investment falls into the following category:
- The digital transition: if you intend to acquire hardware or software useful for the digital transition of your company and the management of the type of employment that follows, you are likely to benefit from the aid device. But, the investment will be limited to 40% of the total budget;
- Internet presence: if your project aims to develop or redesign an online store or a showcase site to integrate a secure payment system, you can receive assistance up to 80% of the total budget;
- Security: if your project involves the installation of a storage system, an audit or the installation of an antivirus, you can benefit from an investment of up to 80% of the total amount agreed for the project.
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Details of services eligible for the ICT voucher scheme
The experts of Altosor Communication Martinique will guide you on the services that contribute to the ” WEB presence ” of your company. These are services aimed at the development or redesign of a website:
- Showcase site;
- Store site with secure payment system;
- Internal or external hosting of the site;
- Administration of the website ;
- Automatic backup of the workstation on a secure external space for 1 year;
- Security, SSL certificate.
These services will be supported up to 80%.
Which job is eligible?
Within the Guadeloupe region, each economic sector is concerned by the aid scheme and can benefit from a grant. But priority is given to any young company or association active in the field:
- Agricultural ;
- Cultural;
- Cinematographic;
- Audiovisual ;
- Social;
- Information;
- Training.
Good to know In the framework of the ICT aid, the aid obtained by a company in the Guadeloupe region cannot exceed 10 000 € per year.
What are the documents required to benefit from the Guadeloupe region’s assistance and where to submit an application?
Required documents
In the Guadeloupe region, any company or association in creation or in development, aspiring to obtain the aid, fruit of the cooperation between the ERDF and the Guadeloupe region, must provide :
- Written request in the form of a letter addressed to the President of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, the subject of the letter being a request for assistance;
- An estimate of the various services offered by the company in the region and elsewhere;
- A document of maximum three pages presenting your project in full, the amount of investment requested and the objective sought. In the same document, you must also show how the requested assistance will improve the digital side of your company in the region and strengthen your digital competitiveness;
- A document produced by the director of the company showing that it is self-financed;
- A document attesting to your company’s compliance with the fiscal, social and legal authorities in the Guadeloupe region;
- A K-bis extract issued within less than three months before the application or an extract that proves that you are registered in the trade register;
- A declaration on honour mentioning any public funding received during the last three years and the various subsidies or aid to companies already applied for;
- A copy of the company director’s identity card or passport ;
- All the necessary documents for a thorough study of your request.
How do I submit my application?
You will be able to deposit your file at the ASP service counter which deals with requests related to the aid applications created in the Guadeloupe region. Or you can do it on the regional aid website.
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What is the interest of this aid for the digitalization of your company?
Theregional aid granted to SMEs in Guadeloupe – ICT Cheque – is a real boost for each company in start-up or development. Indeed, if digital represents a necessary adaptation to maintain the competitiveness of microenterprises and SMEs, its implementation is often costly and requires additional resources (money, skills, time). Between internships, training, purchase of equipment, setting up the system, starting a digital business is not always easy for a start-up company, as it requires significant funds for any investment.
The objective of this aid is to amortize part of the investment costs following the entry into digital or an improvement in operations. Whether your structure in Guadeloupe is in the agricultural, cultural, audiovisual, training, social or cinematographic field or any other branchThis assistance provides you with the opportunity to address and sell your products and services to a wider audience and to differentiate yourself regionally.
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In conclusion
Ultimately, to take advantage of the ICT Cheque Grant, you must gather all the required documents. In the middle of all these documents you will find offers of services necessary for the development of your company. In practice, it is not always easy to draw up a customized quote that meets your expectations. That’s why Altosor communication Guadeloupe provides you with seasoned experts. They will advise you in your project by drawing up for you the essential services to carry out your project. With such an estimate, you will increase your chances of benefiting from this aid which can go up to 10 000€. Contact us now for a free quote.
Read more:
Regional Directorate of the ASP in Guadeloupe
Foumi Building
Greenway – Jarry Industrial Zone
97122 Baie-Mahault
Email :
Telephone: +590 590 38 76 47
Reception Schedule:
From 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
From 9am to 12pm (Wednesday, Friday)
Link to the ICT Cheque application
Access the regional aid portal
Make an appointment with an Altosor Communication Guadeloupe consultant