Social media strategy: how to choose your social network in 10 steps?

Do you know the social media strategy? You may not be familiar with this term, yet you need some insight into the subject? Discover in this article how to choose the right social network onwhich to position yourself in prioritý for your business in Martinique. Then, how to create the ideal social media strategy for your business. Let’s go!

What is a social media strategy?

To put it simply, your social media strategy includes all the actions you will plan and implement on your social media. It is the synthesis of what you plan to do, and hope to accomplish on your social networks to reach your marketing and commercial objectives.

The more specific your strategy, the more effective it is. So it’s best to stay concise and avoid overly ambitious or general objectives that are difficult to achieve and measure.

Why implement a social media strategy?

Remember… Before, social networks were used for personal use. Sharing a souvenir photo on Facebook, a birthday message to your cousin… But today, social networks are a must in your business strategy.

Whether you own a restaurant, a store, a service company in Martinique… It is the number one lever to attract customers to you (in addition to a website, of course).

Why? With a successful social media strategy , you will generate leads (= new contacts). Better yet, you acquire new customers, and gain visibilitý on the web.

Yes, having a presence on the right social network for your business allows you to :

  • Keep an eye on the evolution of the market and your competitors
  • Expand your community
  • Be discovered by new prospects
  • Exchange easily with the world

For this, choosing your preferred social network and planning a well thought-out and adapted strategy is essential. Ready to get started? Discover how to create your social media strategy in 10 steps.

Create your social media strategy in 10 steps

Implementing a social media strategy is essential for your company, you understood it. But how to make it efficient, easy, and effective?

Discover the 10 key steps to follow to avoid mistakes.

1. Set your goals

Let’s start by clarifying your main objective. Why do you want to be on social networks today?

You are looking for :

  • Increase the notoriety of your company?
  • Promote a launch? (Have you just created a new swimwear collection? Launching the opening of a new establishment for your Creole flavors?)
  • Create and retain a community?
  • Manage your e-reputation?
  • Prospecting?
  • (…) 

Yes, it’s hard to choose between all these powerful lenses… But for an effective social media strategy, don’t try to do everything at once: prioritize.

Are you going for it? Start by prospecting and gain notoriety.

Stagnant business and traffic? Create and retain your future community by getting closer to your prospects through social networks.

2. Define your target

Yes, today, many of us use social networks for personal use. And you certainly have a preference for one of them… Isn’t that right?

Beware: don’t choose your company’s social network based on your personal preferences.

A social media strategy is put in place following the precise definition of your target and objectives.

The age, gender, or socio-professional category of your target influences the choice of social media to use. Demographics and personal information should also be considered.

So, who exactly are your services aimed at? Who are your targets, your personas?

Answering these questions is not always obvious, but it is essential before implementing an effective marketing strategy.

You have understood, it is a question of aiming right, and at Altorsor Communication Martinique , we are there to accompany you.

Ready to become the kings of SMO? Let’s create together your effective social media strategy.

3. Understand the social media strategy of your competitors

Once your target is perfectly defined, detect and understand the social media strategy implemented by your competitors:

  • Who are they?
  • Where are they? (What social networks)
  • How do they position themselves?

Do not underestimate the usefulness of this step. By tracking the visibility of your competitors and analyzing their strategy on the networks, you can :

  • Confirms (or not) in the right choice of networks
  • Inspire the ideas that work best
  • Avoids certain errors
  • Saves a lot of time.

Caution. Inspiration does not mean copying. Why ask users to choose you if you’re coming in with déjà vu?

Differentiate yourself from your competitors. Or delegate this key mission to one of our Altosor Martinique community managers, who are always happy to assist you.

4. Choose the right social network

Are you comfortable on social networks? Which ones do you use? And at what rate?

If you’re just starting out in social media, there’s no need to get involved in anything too complicated. A clumsy mistake can happen quickly… And you want to avoid additional constraints, don’t you?

Ask yourself these questions: are you more comfortable with a particular social network? Do you enjoy spending time on Instagram? Read the news on LinkedIn?

Measure the effectiveness of the networks you use and identify :

  • If it is also the social network of choice for your target, it’s ok
  • Otherwise, being comfortable with a network is far from being THE crucial criteria of your social media strategy.

Networks are not for you? That’s what our community managers are here for. Choose the one who will accompany you in your social media strategy by contacting the Altosor Communication team here.

5. Imagine your future content

Have you thought about the types of content you can use in your social media strategy? No ?

Let’s contextualize. What will you propose, publish, share on your networks?

Quality photos? Professional pictures of your teams, your products, your offices (…)? Here, opting for Instagram will make sense.

You are in a “non visual” sector, without a backdrop to promote? Avoid this network for your business account.

More like infographics? Picture tutorials ? Pinterest could be a goldmine for you.

Blog posts ? From the press? White papers ? Why not favor a social network like LinkedIn, or Twitter?

6. Find a name for your social networks

Are the objectives set and the personas clearly defined? The social network to prioritize already chosen?

You are almost there, there is still one crucial step before making your company’s presence on social networks official: choosing your name.

It may seem simple if your company name fits easily into your preferred social network.

But if it is too long, determine the best abbreviation (such as using initials only, removing one or more words, numbers, punctuation…).

Remember: it is this name that your visitors will remember, and this name that they will identify you with.

social media strategy

7. Present your business with a good description

Every social network is a showcase for your business, and a new opportunity to present yourself to the world.

The description, or presentation, weighs just as much as your content strategy.

Give it great importance and create a concise, synthetic, modern and efficient profile.

Need professional advice? Get in touch with one of our Community managers Altosor communication Martinique by clicking right here.

8. Be inspired without plagiarizing

To set up an effective social media strategy, it is a good idea to learn about the competition’s choices and get inspired by them.

But, let’s agree: let the idea of plagiarism stay away from you! Although widespread on social networks, plagiarism should be avoided at all costs. In-ter-dit.

Neither good for your image, nor for your notoriety and reputation, copying can also bring you legal problems.

So above all, keep your originality and assert your identity. Your prospects will quickly join your community.

9. Aim for success from the start with a good social media strategy

To have the best social media strategy, you must be confident and positive in your actions on the networks. Does this sound pretentious? Don’t be shy and dare to use the communication tools available to you.

Reminder: To reach the top, you must not be afraid to aim for it. Let’s team up.

10. Use a community manager

A successful digital strategy is also about enjoying the experience and using it daily to optimize it.

Need support? Lack of time? Afraid to take the plunge? However, don’t put your social media strategy on hold.

Community management is a profession. Let’s talk about your projects, Altosor Communication Martinique always takes great pleasure in helping you realize them.

Altosor Martinique for your social media strategy in Martinique and in the world

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn … Social networks are numerous and their proper management requires time, creativity and technical knowledge. But you already know that…

Can’t decide which one to get?

There are no ready-made rules here: the social network adapted to your project depends on your target and the points discussed beforehand.

The presence on at least one social network, in addition to your website (SEO optimized of course), is essential today for the visibility of your business.

So, don’t neglect any of these levers, or even the others (like Google My Business, or trip advisor when it concerns you). Is your website beautiful? Design ? And SEO optimized?

Do you have an effective presence on at least one social network? Keep going, you are on the right track. Are you fishing on at least one of these points?

Good news! Our CMs are available to help you implement your social media strategy effectively. The bonus? They allow you to focus on your core business and free you from the stress of managing this SMO strategy.

Call on a professional who will manage your digital and social media strategy efficiently. Altosor Communication Martinique allows you to implement THE tailor-made strategy you need to stand out on the web. To contact our team, please click here.

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