What are the financial aids for the digitization of your company in Guadeloupe region?

Chèque TIC (Information and Communication Technologies) – Guadeloupe Region

The ICT cheque is a grant that covers 80% of your development and innovation project. The digital transition is part of the eligible operations with customer relations, competitiveness, cybersecurity, etc. The maximum amount is 10,000 euros.

Guadeloupe Rebound Loan - Guadeloupe Region

Subsidized by Bpifrance and in partnership with the regions, the Guadeloupe Rebound Loan supports and accompanies companies that are going through difficulties related to :
  • a cyclical crisis;
  • temporary financial instability (effects of the health crisis, digital transition, ecological transition).
The advantages of the Guadeloupe Rebound Loan :
  • zero-interest loan;
  • 7-year term with a 2-year grace period;
  • no guarantee requested on the assets of the company or its manager;
  • between 10,000 and 200,000 euros.
Guadeloupe Rebound Loan

Guadeloupe Projects - Guadeloupe Region

Co-funded by the Guadeloupe Region and the State, Guadeloupe Projects aims to :
  • support innovative projects of local companies;
  • support the structuring of key regional sectors to strengthen their competitiveness.
Guadeloupe Projects

Innovation Refundable Advance (ARI)

This program aims to support Guadeloupean companies in their development at the regional level. Expenditures for digital transition and new technologies are eligible.


  • the aid is a reimbursable advance at zero rate;
  • 7-year term with a maximum of 2 years’ deferral;
  • 70% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $300,000

Eligible for this project are:

  • registered start-ups ;
  • VSEs/SMEs in the Community sense.

Repayable advance for innovation