Netlinking and backlinks campaign: Optimize your link building campaigns

Netlinking (orlink building) is the process of finding links from other websites to your pages. If other websites link to your pages, it is because they find them interesting. When these sites are already known and reputable, then your site is considered to be of good quality.

In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the reputation and notoriety of a website are two major factors taken into account by search engines such as Google to place pages with numerous backlinks from other sites at the top of the results.

Altosor Communication has the necessary tools and contacts to help you find those famous backlinks, so important to develop the reputation of your website.

Entrust us with your Netlinking campaigns for quality inbound links

Once the content of all your pages has been properly optimized for their natural referencing(see our SEO services), it remains to make them known by the most possible Internet users.

The most obvious way is to insert in your texts the keywords typed by these Internet users when they make search requests on Google and other engines.

But these Internet users must also be able to find your pages with a simple click, when they are on a website that has seen fit to place a link within one of its pages to encourage its visitors to visit your website.

Altosor Communication has specialists whose job is to find and contact webmasters of websites whose pages are in similar fields to yours to offer them to add a link to your own pages(inbound links).

Of course, before launching this netlinking campaign, we have defined with you which types of websites can be solicited and to which pages of your website you want to get backlinks.

Would you like to know more about how we design these Netlinking campaigns and what impact it could have on your website’s natural referencing?

Choose Altosor Communication's expertise for your Netlinking

Our communication agency is composed of experts in Netlinking who know how to take into account your expectations and who have an extensive network of websites selected for their e-reputation. They will know how to effectively choose the backlinks that can improve the SEO of your web pages.

Entrusting your netlinking campaigns to Altosor Communication guarantees you the benefit of quality inbound links for your website.

Effective backlinks for your netlinking campaign

How can our communication agency obtain quality inbound links and optimize the ranking of your web pages?


A quality guarantee on incoming links

The excellence of our specialists, the importance of our network (we are a referencing agency with many clients) and our e-marketing skills guarantee you high quality backlinks.


Proven and measured results

For each of your Netlinking campaigns, we provide you with a detailed report displaying the main KPIs (Trust Flow, CTR, organic traffic, referring domains, …) which will allow you to follow the gains obtained by our specialists month by month.


Netlinking packages at competitive rates

Our Netlinking rates are very well adapted to small companies that can manage their SEO budget and spread it throughout the course of a link building campaign.


Personalized support for each service

You have a dedicated SEO writer who will validate with you each article published on a partner website and who can answer all your questions. Altosor Communication attaches the greatest importance to the quality of its services in order to provide its customers with complete satisfaction.

Definitions of Netlinking and Backlinking

What does Netlinking mean?

Netlinking (also called link building) is the Anglo-Saxon name used in e-marketing to group together all the actions aimed at building a set of links leading to a website (we speak of external networking).

These actions define a netlinking campaign and are part of the techniques used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve the positioning of a site’s pages at the top of the search results.

What does backlinking mean?

Abacklink is a link placed in the content of a page on another website, the address (url) of which points to a page on your own website.

Most of the time, a backlink is placed on a set of words (preferably keywords targeted on your content), but it is also possible to place a link on an image or even a video.

Thematic and semantic netlinking for your campaigns

It is not enough to have a lot of backlinks leading to your pages, it is also necessary that the theme addressed in the page that contains a link is in line with the destination page of your site targeted by this link.

A website presenting a restaurant for example will have a better netlinking if the backlinks that lead to its pages contain information related to the restaurant or culinary tourism.

In the same way, the words serving as a link as well as the sentences adjacent to this link will determine what we call the “semantic cocoon”. Search engines such as Google are now able to perform semantic analysis on the texts they index. This allows them to make sure that the links proposed are really related to the text that contains them.

The position of your pages in the search results (called SERPs, for Search Engine Result Page) depends closely on the thematic and semantic quality of your Netlinking.

Netlinking and Link Juice

A web user navigates from page to page by clicking on links. Imagine the path followed by this Internet user as if it were a branch and its ramifications…

If many users follow this same path, then it will be more important for a search engine. This sap that flows in this branch is called in a rather graphic way“link juice” by English speakers.

The more this “link juice” is in the previous branch, the more it will feed the next branch. You can find the graph showing the link juice of a website in the tool Google Analytics.

At Altosor Communication, our specialists know how to analyze this important parameter of netlinking and how to optimize your links so that they get the most benefit from the link juice of your link network.

Netlinking and website authority

Each time specialists started to try to bypass Google’s algorithms to cheat on their referencing, the famous engine created new algorithms to counter their maneuvers.

In the past, it was enough to create a large number of links to a site for it to rise to the top of the rankings. Some unscrupulous companies had even made it their business, so much so that they were nicknamed“farm links“.

Since the release of Google’s Penguin algorithm, which was launched in April 2012, this method no longer allows you to improve your ranking. Google now takes into account the quality and reputation of the site that contains the link concerned.

If the site is an authority in its field, then the link deserves to be valued. The same is true for each page of a site: some pages, highly shared by Internet users, are more authoritative than others, considered less interesting.

Our Netlinking specialists have tools that allow them to analyze all these parameters in order to offer you truly effective link building campaigns.

Penalties for Google's netlinking algorithms

You’ve understood: when it comes to netlinking, it’s better not to improvise without technical knowledge, otherwise you risk breaking the rules set up in Google’s algorithms.

Even if it defends itself from giving penalties to sites that try to circumvent its programs, Google indicates that it favors those who respect them…

Each time a new algorithm is released, e-marketing professionals notice great upheavals for some websites that can suddenly lose several pages in their ranking.

To avoid any drop in traffic that could be catastrophic for your business, it is therefore very important not to create inbound links that are too artificial.

How to recognize a quality link for your netlinking?

Even if Google does not give the recipe of its algorithms, professionals learn by deduction which rules to follow and which mistakes to avoid. Thus, a backlink is recognized as being of good quality when it comes from a website whose authority and link juice are important.

Here are some tips that our netlinking specialists invite you to follow:

  • Place your backlinks in sites known on social networks and generating a lot of traffic (number of views in Search Console)
  • Choose a page whose semantics are close to your target page
  • Check the editorial and SEO quality of the page containing your link
  • Check that the content of this page is unique and well referenced

All these criteria would be a bit tedious to gather if you had to do it manually. Fortunately, there are professional tools available to perform quality analysis work.

At Altosor Communication, our netlinking specialists are perfectly at ease with these tools and will be able to manage your link building campaigns effectively.

How to avoid Netlinking mistakes?

Because the satisfaction of our customers is our main concern, here is a list of mistakes that should not be made when you want to add backlinks to your site:

Netlinking strategy delegation

You will have understood: it is preferable to delegate the management of your netlinking campaigns to specialists to avoid any strategy error.

We will start by performing a detailed audit of your website to see the state of your link building. We will then propose a tailor-made strategy adapted to your budget and respecting your objectives.

Altosor Communication can offer you several netlinking packages to meet your expectations.

Turnkey packages and Netlinking rates

If your netlinking budget does not exceed 500 € per month, we offer you a netlinking package and a personalized strategy upon request.

Beyond 500 € per month, we offer you a tailor-made netlinking consulting service adapted to the complexity and volume of your website.

Branding campaign: develop your brand with Netlinking

Our backlinks packages are for new sites or sites that still have little traffic due to lack of awareness and inbound links.

We then set up an initial netlinking strategy to complement the natural referencing actions (see our SEO writing services).

The goal is to define the main theme of your site and to reinforce your brand image on the web. It is indeed essential that the name of your company appears in the searches made by Internet users in the main engines (Google and Bing for France).

Our backlinks package includes the proposal of a list of sites with high authority and link juice, chosen for the interest they bring to the referencing of your website.

To be effective, these packages include a minimum commitment of 6 months. You are free to choose the budget allocated to your package: the more you invest at the beginning, the faster your web pages will rise in the rankings.

Netlinking strategy - Branding

Raising awareness of your brand and trade name on the web

Let’s go! Subscribe to a netlinking Branding package. No obligation formula.

Get a free off-site SEO audit to analyze and remove your toxic links and monthly monitoring for any netlinking campaign of minimum 3 months. See our SEO audit

Netlinking strategy – Branding
Package 1
Package 2
Package 3
Package 4
Package 5
Price/month excl.
250 € EXCL. TAX
350 € EXCL. TAX
750 € EXCL. TAX
Creation of a strategy tailored to your site
Analysis of your backlinks (if minimum 3-month commitment)
Removal of toxic links (if minimum 3-month commitment)
Targeting partner sites
Link building
Indication of the maximum number of links per month based on the strength and quality of the links provided according to the approved strategy.
Writing articles
Follow-up report


Analysis of your external backlinks pointing to your site. The objective is to strengthen your web network to increase the authority of your site on the targeted keywords.

It happens that some pages point to your site. If they do not correspond to your referencing strategy and if you are the target of a referencing campaign by parasite sites, it is recommended to remove the toxic links as they appear so as not to lose the referencing efforts made in parallel. We help you deal with these negative or unwanted relationships.

It is not enough to add links as in the past to please Google. It is now recommended to create external links that direct traffic from pages in line with your positioning. That’s why we write the texts according to your positioning strategy and with your keywords. We then rigorously identify the partner sites that will “transfer” some of their authority and traffic to your site. This will improve your position (or rank) in search engines.

At the end of each period, you will receive a report to track the status of your referencing. We also integrate, without any obligation, recommendations that you are free to follow or not.

French, English, and other languages on request.

Netlinking strategy based on targeted keywords

After the branding campaign, follow up with an off-page SEO strategy of netlinking based on targeted keywords to position yourself on your industry or specific topics searched by your audience.

Netlinking SEO package prices
Price/month excl.
500 excl. VAT / month
800 excl. VAT / month
1200 € HT / month
Creation of a strategy tailored to your site
Analysis of your backlinks
Removing toxic links
Targeting partner sites
Link building Indication of the maximum number of links each month, depending on the strength and quality of the links provided according to the approved strategy.
Writing articles
Follow-up report

The number of links is indicative, as one link on a very popular site could have the value of several links on less popular sites. The budget also gives a good indication of how strong the links are each month.

SEO netlinking packages require a minimum 6 month commitment. Choose your budget. The higher the budget, the faster and stronger you will get results.

  1. Choose your monthly budget
  2. Define your commitment: From 6 months minimum. Take a package for 12 months or more and get 5% discount.
  3. Let us take care of everything!

Let’s go! Subscribe to a netlinking SEO package

Altosor Communication: your netlinking partner

Do you want to boost your site to the top of the search engine results?

Do you want to increase the notoriety and visibility of your pages in order to get more and more qualified customers?

Follow the example of our other customers and let us present you the whole range of our services: SEO audit, webdesign, web writing, netlinking…

Altosor Communication offers specialists for all areas of intervention of your website.

Our interventions are valued with time because your presence in the first places of the search results is a meticulous work which must be carried out stage by stage to perpetuate your dominant position.

Our web marketing specialists know how to do this job perfectly. They are committed to providing you with quality services that will give you complete satisfaction.