What are the financial aids for the digitization of your company in the Martinique region?

Support for the digital transformation of traditional businesses in the Martinique region

The objective is to support traditional companies with less than 30 employees in their digital transition.

The support focuses on 2 areas:

  • a powerful online presence;
  • the development of in-house digital tools.

The MTA grant covers 50% of eligible expenses with a ceiling of 10,000 euros per company.

Discover the Digital Pass in Martinique on the blog.

Acceleration assistance for digital businesses

The objective is to support digital companies in the Martinique region to accelerate their evolution by financing :

  • marketing;
  • a website;
  • training courses ;
  • development of new technologies;
  • research, etc.

The MTA grant covers 50% of eligible expenses with a ceiling of 50,000 euros per company.

Acceleration assistance for digital businesses

investissement numerique

Prêt Rebond Martinique - Martinique Region and Bpifrance

Subsidized by Bpifrance and in partnership with the regions, the Martinique Rebound Loan supports and accompanies companies that are experiencing difficulties related to :

  • a cyclical crisis;
  • temporary financial instability (effects of the health crisis, digital transition, ecological transition).

The advantages of the Martinique Rebound Loan :

  • zero interest loan;
  • 7-year term with a 2-year grace period;
  • no guarantee requested on the assets of the company or its manager;
  • between 10,000 and 300,000 euros.

Martinique Rebound Loan