Occitanie region grant: Where can you find financial assistance for digitizing your business?

Find out about financial aid in the Occitanie region for digitizing your business

In today’s business landscape, digitization has become a necessity for companies of all sizes. Whether to improve operational efficiency, reach new markets or simply stay competitive, the transition to digital offers a multitude of advantages.

However, this transition can be costly and complex. Fortunately, in Occitanie, financial aid is available to support companies in their digitization process. In this article, we’ll explore where and how you can get this help to facilitate your company’s digital transformation.

Many resources are available to help companies navigate the grant application process and understand eligibility criteria. For more information on the financial aid available for digitization in your area, consult sites such as francenum.gouv.fr, les-aides.fr, and économie.gouv.fr.

Growth contract - Occitanie Region

The Occitanie Region wishes to accompany and support the economy of its local companies. This device aims to protect jobs and promote economic recovery and development. Expenditure on digital transition is eligible (equipment, material and immaterial expenditure). Financial assistance may be provided in the form of grants or a repayable advance.

Growth contract

contrat croissance
parcours industry

Industry of the Future Regional Course

The Occitanie Region wishes to accompany its local companies towards an industry of the future. The objective of this grant is to support the digital transition and innovation of these companies. They will benefit from consulting services for a tailor-made support. Coverage can range from 50% to 100%. Device valid until 27/12/2022.

Future Industry Regional Course

Pass Métiers d'Arts grant - Occitanie region assistance

  1. Objectives:
  • Perpetuate and enrich local crafts and skills in Occitanie.
  • Support artisans who plan to modernize their equipment or production methods, penetrate new markets or raise their profile.
  • Showcase skills by encouraging visits to artisans’ workshops or other demonstrations in the regions of Occitanie.

Eligible operations:

Among the operations that can be financed are those relating to communication:

– Consulting services :

  • Company expansion: strategic audit costs,
  • Creation of new products: expenditure on design, graphic services, etc,
  • Commercial growth in France and abroad: expenditure on e-commerce site creation, translation costs, photo-video, communication on social media or specialized networks, market research services, etc,
  • Intellectual property protection: patent and trademark filing costs and international extension.

The advantages of the Occitania Rebound Loan:

  • This grant covers up to 50% of eligible expenses, with a ceiling of €10,000.
  • This scheme complies with the European “de minimis” regime, which imposes a limit of €200,000 over three consecutive tax years on the total public aid granted to a company.

Find out more about Pass Métiers d’Arts