The Normandy region offers subsidies and financial aid for digitizing your business

Accelerating the digital transition in Normandy: Assistance available

In an increasingly digitalized world, the digital transition has become a necessity for companies. Whether to improve their operational efficiency, extend their reach or protect themselves against the risks of cyber-attacks, the adoption of digital technologies has become unavoidable. However, this transition can represent a financial and technical challenge for many SMEs, craftsmen and retailers.

In this context, the Normandy region, aware of these challenges and keen to support its local businesses, has set up several financial aid programs to facilitate this digital transition.

These grants are designed to support companies in their digitization projects, by covering part of the costs associated with the acquisition of digital equipment, staff training or consulting digital transformation experts. They represent an opportunity for companies in the region to take the digital step, boost their competitiveness and secure their business.

Impulsion Transition Numérique - Help from the Normandy region

The“Impulsion Transition Numérique” program is a Normandy Region initiative designed to support small businesses, craftsmen and retailers in their transition to digital technology.

The aim of this financial aid is to help companies implement their digitization projects, whether to develop their business or to structure a strategy to counter the risks of cyber-attacks. It covers up to 50% of expenses excluding VAT, with a maximum of €1,000 excluding VAT per day of consultation.

Potential beneficiaries of this aid are all types of company with at least one establishment in Normandy. It is important to note that the “Impulsion Transition Numérique” grant cannot be combined with other grants from the Normandy Region to finance the same expenditure.

To benefit from this aid, companies must submit a digital transition project to the Normandy Region. Specific details of the application process may vary, so please contact the Region directly or consult their website for more information.

Find out more about the Impulsion Transition Numérique en Normandie grant

Impulse Proximity

This grant aims to support merchants, craftsmen and small businesses with fewer than 50 employees in their projects:
  • investments in tangible and intangible assets (digital transition).
  • Resumption of an activity;
  • Working capital.
Grant Amount:
  • regional aid in the form of a zero interest loan;
  • no guarantee required;
  • maximum amount of 50,000 euros paid in one go.
Proximity impulse
visite tourstique

Support for investments in tourist attractions

This grant aims to support exceptional tourist sites in Normandy in their development and innovation projects:

  • Mont-Saint-Michel and its bay ;
  • Remembrance tourism (landing beach) ;
  • impressionist painting ;
  • medieval sites.

This financial aid also aims to encourage these tourist sites to create real digital discovery tools. The region contributes 50% of eligible expenses with a threshold of 10,000 euros, with a ceiling of 30,000 euros per project.

Support for investments in tourist attractions

Participative Loans Recovery

The Participative Revival Loan enables SMEs to develop and strengthen their financial structure.

Eligible projects are:

  • modernization of equipment including production tools;
  • investments in research ;
  • the digital transition.

Loans are granted by banks, finance companies, funds in agreement with the state.

The loans are assigned to :

  • 90% to a fund that is guaranteed by the State.
  • The remaining 10% is retained by the banks without a government guarantee.

The credit organization remains the only interlocutor during the entire duration of the loan. This is exceptional funding allocated until December 31, 2023.

Equity Loans Recovery

Normandy Recovery Loan

This device aims to help Norman companies to overcome the financial difficulties related to the health crisis and the war in Ukraine. With regard to the digital transition, the region was able to invest 8 million euros in the purchase of a second datacenter. This acquisition aims to contribute to a sustainable digital development policy in Normandy.

Normandie Loan recovery
