What are the financial aids for the digitization of your company in the Reunion region?

The digital cheque in Reunion Island

This regional scheme aims to finance small business investments in digital technology. This grant corresponds to a maximum reimbursement of 3,200 euros. Read our article on the digital check in Reunion Island.

Reunion's support for small-scale investments by craft businesses in the building and civil engineering, agri-food and convenience retail sectors.

This financial aid from the Réunion region will enable craft businesses in the building and civil engineering and agri-food sectors with fewer than 10 employees to overcome the difficulties associated with the health crisis and continue their development. The amount of the subsidy corresponds to 70% of the eligible expenses with a maximum aid of 15,000 euros and can concern investments in the digital transition.

Aid for small investments in craft businesses in the building and public works sector, the agri-food industry and local commerce.

Altosor Communication Martinique : votre agence de communication digitale et print. Création de site internet, SEO, SEA, publicité, marketing.

Rebound loan for Reunion Island - Région Réunion

Subsidized by Bpifrance and in partnership with the regions, the Rebound Loan supports and accompanies companies that are experiencing difficulties related to :

  • a cyclical crisis;
  • temporary financial instability (effects of the health crisis, digital transition, ecological transition).

The advantages of the Reunion Rebound Loan :

  • zero-interest loan;
  • 7-year term with a 2-year grace period;
  • no guarantee requested on the assets of the company or its manager;
  • between 10,000 and 300,000 euros.