Legal advice and compliance with the law: RGPD compliance – Legal information – General terms and conditions of sale

Having a website, collecting email addresses or personal data, selling physical or virtual products require to be in compliance with the law, whether it is a showcase site or an e-commerce site if you do not want to get into big trouble. Altosor Communication accompanies you to carry out a legal audit of your website and the compliance with the RGPD.

In the absence of RGPD compliance, what are the penalties for non-compliance?

The RGPD or General Data Protection Regulation consists in preserving the security of the data of natural persons on websites. If you wish to collect data from your audience or customers, you must make sure that you clearly state this, that you are using it for business purposes, and that you only ask for the information you need. The person must be able to exercise the right to withdraw from the list of information very simply. The CNIL is a government department that controls and prevents the risks of non-compliance with the processing of personal data on the Internet. In Europe, penalties can be as high as 20 million euros or 4% of annual worldwide sales and even result in criminal prosecution.

In case of incomplete or falsified legal mentions, you can be judged and fined up to 1 year of imprisonment as well as 75 000 €. The maximum fine can be multiplied by 5 if you are a company.

The companies having an e-commerce site, with an incomplete drafting of these general conditions of sale, can be concerned by penalties for misleading commercial practice with a maximum of 2 years of prison as well as 300 000 € of fine, or administrative sanctions with 3 000 € for the physical person and 15 000 € for the companies.

Let a team of lawyers accompany you online, which will guarantee that you obtain documents in compliance with European and French laws.

Let an online lawyer accompany you, who will guarantee that you obtain legal documents in compliance with European and French law.

Audit and legal compliance of a website

If you have a showcase site, two packages are available to you:

The drafting of your Legal Notice

Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy by a lawyer in any field of activity. The complete package to be sure to guarantee a good management of the data provided by your customers.

Each document is drafted, checked and validated by a lawyer specialized in the management of personal data, the specific elements of your company will be dealt with, such as the duration of data retention, the register that you use. These documents will be used and put on your website.

The legal audit of your website

Are you sure of the reliability of your website’s legal notices?

Thelegal audit of your site allows you to check that there are no violations of the law and to identify the critical points on which a legal advisor could advise you. Afterwards, you can review with a lawyer the measures to be updated. For example: the unsubscribe link is not clickable, or you ask for a password for another website, then your GDPR is not in accordance with the European law.

Legal assistance for e-commerce sites

The drafting of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale for e-commerce site

In addition to the complete package for showcase sites, which includes: Legal Notice; Privacy Policy and Cookie Charter; we’re moving up a level with e-commerce sites, as they are concerned by the General Sales Conditions or GSC.

It is a mandatory document in the case of a sale, in which the relationship between the seller and the customer is stipulated. You must take into account that some mentions are mandatory and others optional, depending on the type of objects you sell and to whom you sell them (private individual or professional). The general sales conditions can be negotiated in the case of a sale between professionals.

Consent and cookie management solutions, or CMPs, are useful tools for achieving compliance easily and across different countries.

Legal compliance of your website - Legal compliance and RGDP - Altosor Communication