You have created a website for your company to gain visibility and get more customers.
Your site is designed, your visual identity attractive, but after several months of online presence, you do not see any evolution of visits from Internet users and your turnover stagnates. You have plenty of content to write about, but the world of SEO andkeywords remains a mystery to you.
The only way to stand out is to perfect the SEO writing of your web content.
In this article, we’re going to tell you all about this essential Google writing technique that will drive traffic to your website.
Discover our 5 tips to improve the SEO writing of your web content.
Improve the SEO writing of your web content and improve your visibility on Google
What is SEO content writing on the web?
What is the definition of SEO?
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is the term used to describe the search engine optimization process.
In French, we use the term SEO, but also the term référencement naturel.
SEO is a group of different techniques used to optimize a website and improve its positioning on search engines.
What is SEO copywriting?
It is a form of writing optimized and adapted to the web, which allows web content to rank in the first results on search engines.
SEO copywriting uses keywords, semantic concepts and the lexical field of your target customer’s search intentions to find the information they need.
Perfecting your SEO copywriting will generate qualified and quality traffic.

Why optimize your SEO writing?
Optimizing your SEO copywriting is a time-consuming digital marketing strategy that requires the skills of SEO web writers . The advantage of SEO is that a good positioning on search engines is relatively sustainable and economical.
In 2013, Google experienced an outage that lasted less than five minutes, but its impact was major. Indeed, there was a 40% drop in Internet traffic worldwide. This search engine plays an important role in directing us to other websites.
You need to appear on their first page to gain visibility and get more customers. The only way to make them understand that you are an expert in your field is to optimize your SEO writing by writing quality content.
How does SEO web content writing work on Google?
80,000 queries are made every second on Google, or 6.9 billion per day. (Source: internetlivestats)
Google is a natural tool in our daily lives, we use it several times a day.
But do we know exactly how the most famous search engine works?
In 1997, Larry Page and Sergei Brin, two computer science students, created a software program that allowed them to search and group information on the Internet using keywords or phrases: Google
Control robots constantly scan the web and index the pages found.
It is this gigantic database that feeds the results of the SERP(Search Engine Result Page), which is the web page that is displayed when the user searches on Google.
Google’s algorithm will then analyze the natural referencing by searching for web pages that contain the keywords used in the search.
Be aware that there are hundreds of Google algorithms, stacked on top of each other that can work together or separately.
Some of these algorithms are favored according to the user’s theme and search intent.
Search intent is the main objective of a user when he types a query on a search engine.
Thanks to its algorithms, Google sorts quickly and efficiently and offers the most relevant results to the user on the SERP.
Read our blog post How to be on the first page on Google! The guide to get there or visit the natural referencing section of the Altosor Communication blog.
Regarding SEO writing, Google’s ranking criteria are based on 3 pillars:
- Popularity: thanks to inbound and outbound links and your status as an expert in your field.
- Content: relevant keywords are still the most effective way to communicate with Google.
- Performance and optimizations: First of all, it’s about the page loading speed and the structure of your site. But also HTML markup as well as internal links (internal meshing).
Since the creation of Google, the algorithms are constantly evolving, two objectives remain paramount:
- Propose results in line with research intentions.
- Avoid objectionable SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing or buying massive external links.
By perfecting your SEO writing with experienced SEO web writers, you will improve your web content, interest your readers and check off all the Google criteria to be better positioned on the SERP. By gaining visibility you will also gain many more customers!
At Altosor we offer a complete SEO web copywriting and semantic cocoon copywriting service: real SEO copywriting experts at your company’s service!
5 tips to improve your SEO content writing and move up in Google results
Find the right keywords to optimize the SEO of your web content
The choice of keywords is the cornerstone of your SEO strategy. To perfect your SEO copywriting, you should definitely prioritize this step with the help of SEO techniques and tools, but also with the skills of an experienced SEO web writer. In fact, it’s from themain keyword that you’ll write all your content.
What is a keyword?
It is a word or a series of words that an Internet user uses to perform a search on Google.
A sequence of words is called long tail keywords.
By using these keywords in a home page, a biography, product sheets, you will also increase the visits to your website.
What is a good keyword?
A good keyword is one that will bring you qualified traffic.
According to A 2016 study by Yooda Insight the average Internet user types 3.5 words per query, with single-word queries accounting for only 2.4% of queries.
Queries composed of 3 words are the most used by 34.1% of Internet users.
We can therefore deduce that long tail keywords are more relevant than a single keyword.
It’s also important to point out the importance of the lexical field in your SEO content. Thelexical fieldin SEO is a set of key words or expressions around the same theme .
The criteria for a good keyword are:
- Relevance: it must best describe your business and be used by your target customer.
- The potential: if it is never typed on Google, it is useless.
- Competition: if the competition is too strong, you are not visible.
How to choose the right keywords?
Rely on your intuition as well as your expertise.
You have already defined your target customer, you know his habits well, so you can deduce which words, which expressions he is likely to use.
Think about asking your customers on your website or on social networks, these exchanges will help you go in the right direction.
You can complement this first step with other techniques and tools:
- Monitor the Internet and analyze your competitors’ websites,
- use keyword generating SEO tools such as Yooda Insight or SEO quantum which are software that will help you find new words, while informing you about their potential and their competition.
Choosing the right keywords is a crucial step, Our experts in SEO web writing are here to help you perfect your SEO writing by choosing the most appropriate keywords.
Structure your content and improve the quality of your SEO writing on the web
Do you have the subject of your content? your keywords are defined? Now you’re ready to start writing your SEO content.
80% of the most popular content on the Internet is blog posts (Source: the Ultimate List of marketing Statistics for 2020)
You can also write home pages, biographies, product sheets, sales pages.
In any case, the basic techniques of SEO web writing remain the same.
On the Internet, your content must be clear, concise and synthetic.
The web being saturated with information, if your text is laborious and complicated, the user will leave your site. This is called the bounce rate (it is a marketing indicator that measures the percentage of Internet users who leave your site without consulting another page).
There are certain rules for writing that you must follow:
- The information must be clear and quickly accessible,
- the text should be well spaced, your headings bold and larger than the text,
- the information must be relevant and make the Internet users want to continue reading,
- the tone should be light and factual.
Before writing SEO content you should ask yourself the following questions:
- Who is the article aimed at?
- What is the main information to be conveyed?
- What is my target customer’s objective?
- What is the appropriate number of words?
The writing of the caption
The heading is a short text that immediately follows the title, it allows the Internet user to check if the subject and the tone of the article interest him.
It is rare that Internet users read an article to the end, however, they often read the entire chapter, so it is crucial to take care of its writing, it is the gateway to your blog post.
In the caption you must:
- To make the user want to continue reading,
- Summarize the essential and give the tone of the article: light, committed, neutral…
- insert the idea and the main keyword.
Take care of your attacks and text falls:
A Study Nielsen Norman Group shows that readers gradually drop out when reading an article: 81% read the first paragraph, only 31% read the fourth paragraph.
The beginning of your text will lead your reader to continue reading… Or not! The beginning of your text must be rhythmic and punchy to arouse interest, a start on the wheels in a way!
Also work well on the end of your articles, they must have the same energy as the beginning of your text. The important thing is to make your readers want to stay on your site, to go through your menus, to read other articles, your biography etc…
How to make an outline for your article
Use the mindmapping method to improve your SEO writing and save time.
What is mindmapping?
This is a quick and easy way to gather the ideas that come to mind without worrying about prioritizing them first.
Write down your main idea in the center of a sheet of paper and work around it by arranging your different parts in a star shape as you research. Always start from the most important to the least important, in SEO web writing, no suspense, the most important information is to be given first!
If you quote sources, always remember to check them by cross-checking them several times, your credibility and that of your content depend on it.
What is the right length for an SEO article?
It all depends on the subject you are going to deal with, the most important being the quality. There is no need to write for the sake of writing. However, long articles (>1500 words) rank better on search engines.
Because of their length, they can be more detailed and answer all the questions of the Internet users. Google will spot them as being more qualitative, which is ideal for a good natural referencing.
Find out more about our copywriting services.
Optimize the titles and HTML markup of your web content
What is HTML markup :
” Hyper Text Markup Language” in French: “langage de balalises pour l’hypertexte”.
In short, it is a computer language that represents a data format used in the Internet world for the formatting of web pages.
To write in HTML language, we use tags, which are the basic elements of HTML coding. They are used to structure and hierarchize the content of a page.
HTML tags are invisible to the Internet user, but they improve the reading experience and serve to inform Google about the purpose of your content so that it can be better proposed to Internet users .
To perfect your SEO writing, here are the 3 HTML tags not to be neglected:
The Title tag
This is the tag (a title) that you will find displayed in the results pages after a search on Google, it communicates the subject of your content to users and search engines.
This is the first thing the user looks at to decide if your content can meet their search intent. A well-written Title tag will increase your click-through rate and your traffic .
The Title tag must contain :
- A unique, short and effective title that describes your content.
- 70 characters maximum so that it is not truncated on the SERP.
- Your important keywords first.
How to improve the SEO writing of your web content?
In HTML coding, you must write the Title tag in the following form:
<title>How to improve the SEO writing of your web content ?</title>
To install the Title tag, you have 2 options:
- Via the source code
- Through your CMS (WordPress, Prestashop etc…)
A level of proficiency in these tools is required to perform these manipulations.
The Meta Description tag
It accompanies the Title tag as a description, it appears in the results pages after a search on Google . You can write a short text describing briefly the essence of your content.
Your meta description tag must contain :
- An accurate and unique description of your content,
- 160 characters maximum (including spaces) to avoid being truncated on the SERP,
- Your most important keywords, but without keyword stuffing, your text must be coherent.
Header tags (h1-h6)
We talk about h tags to hierarchize the titles. The main title is the h1 title, it is the backbone of your text. It is also there to make the user want to continue reading.
How to write your h1 titles:
- They must be descriptive,
- You must include your main keyword,
- No more than 70 characters.
Your H1 title should be the most important visual element of your text.
It must be written:
- In lower case,
- in bold type,
- in larger font than the text,
- not underlined.
Your main headline should be catchy, but more importantly, it should make a promise to the reader:
<h1>How to improve the SEO writing of your web content?</h1>
If your h1 title is essential to attract your readers, the headings (h 2,3,4,6) represent the main thread of your text.
Each heading represents a paragraph that must be a key responding to the promise made in your main title.
You must have at least 2 parts in your text, each announced by a heading.
The headings allow to guide the reader, he knows in advance what he will read, but they also allow to guide Google thanks to the keywords and to reference with relevance your content.
Your headings should be :
- Relevant to the following paragraph,
- in the construction of your text,
- coherent with important keywords without overusing them to facilitate reading.
The natural referencing of keywords is done primarily on the titles, it is therefore essential to write them carefully.
HTML markup remains complex for the uninitiated, you can perform an SEO audit of your site that will allow you to check and improve the SEO writing of your website.
Read our article SEO audit of your website, how to do it efficiently ?
Optimize the internal linking of your web content
What isis internal linking in SEO copywriting?
The internal link or linkage refers to the organization of links internally on a website.
Why optimize the internal link?
Optimizing your internal links is useful for :
- Make your site easier to navigate and improve the user experience,
- the natural referencing of your content.
When it comes to navigation, creating an internal mesh strategy helps guide users from page to page to complete the information they’re looking for, and keeps them on your site for as long as possible. The userexperience is enriched, and Google loves this to get you higher on the SERP.
For the natural referencing of your content, the Page Rank algorithm measures the popularity of a page. Sincean interestingpage is always recommended by another page, the more links you have, the better your SEO copywriting.
Today, it is important to have a quality content with an SEO optimized writing but also a relevant internal link.
You will notice in this article some text in blue, it is the link anchor. If you click on it, you will land on another page of our website where you will find more information.
This text will most often include the main keyword.
Internal linking is a must in your SEO content writing strategy. It is a foolproof technique to show Google that you are an expert in your field.
Add optimized images and videos to your SEO web content
Perfecting your SEO copywriting also means adding videos and images to your article, as Google appreciates well-illustrated content.
Adding videos and images to your content greatly improves the user experience, your text is more airy and much more pleasant to read for the Internet user.
Be aware that Google does not see images, so it is important in the description tag(alt tag) to briefly describe the image using a relevant keyword if possible.
The ALT tag is a text element in HTML code used to describe an image and optimize the SEO of your content.
It also allows you to be referenced in Google images and attract users who otherwise would not have found you.
Finally, the ALT tag is very useful for visually impaired people, voice browsers will use this text to describe the image that the user can not see.
Don’t neglect the use of images and videos in your web content. By making the right use of the ALT tag, you’ ll significantly improve your website’s SEO.
We know from experience that perfecting the SEO copywriting of a website is essential to gain visibility and get more customers.
When you call on our Altosor digital agency, you’re guaranteed to make your job easier, save a lot of timeand have the assurance of obtaining quality articles for Internet users and Google. It is also to count on a partner who realizes your communication strategy and your editorial line while optimizing your content for search engines.